This is my profile, make up of it what you will.

Age 27, Male


North Carolina

Joined on 4/26/12

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10 / 20
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> 100,000
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I'm just a simple teenager who wants to kill some time by browsing the inter-webs, playing games, listening to music, obtaining achievements, and most importantly, avoiding my schoolwork. School is a dumbfounded piece of sh** that really pertains to life absolutely none. They should stop extending school to twelve grade and end it at about eighth. By eighth grade, if you don't know how to calculate formulas, read clearly, speak clearly, and write clearly you should have your grades extended but for the intelligent ones they should end it there.

Interview Open

Do you consider my self intelligent?
A: To a certain degree yes, but for the most part, not as much as I should be at this point. I haven't experienced a holistic amount of events as I should have by now such as sex, smoking weed, falling off the side of a mountain, etc.

What do you do in your spare time?
A: I'm not going to answer that question... but I'm simply going to say I'm a dude... I have deeds

Do you do anything productive?
A: I play xbox, make music, occasionally create a game, etc.

What's your favorite food?
A: Do you like Pena Coladas?

Did you just answer a question with a question?
A: Was that a rhetorical question?

Stop answering my questions with questions!
A: Wait you're the interviewer... you're supposed to be asking me questions... not giving my demands

Do you draw?
A: Nope

Do you paint?
A: Nope

Can you drive?
A: Yes

Do you have a drivers license?
A: Nope

Do you have a permit?
A: Nope

Are you still awoke in the morning by you mom?
A: Yep

What's your intake on Newgrounds?
A: It seems good so far.

Would you care to elaborate on that answer?
A: Nope

Well thank you for being here today Icy, it's been fun interviewing you
A: That wasn't a question?

Interview Close